Introducing our new partner, Korum Secure

Mark Chater | | Lecture de 1 minute
CopyMinder Dinkey Pro/FD Matériel de sécurité informatique Korum Secure Actualités

Microcosm is pleased to announce that Korum Secure is our new distributor in France.

Korum Secure Logo

Earlier this year, Aplika ceased to be the distributor for Microcosm products in France. We are pleased to announce that we now have a new reseller for French customers, Korum Secure. Their contact details can be found on our partners page.

Korum Secure will provide French-language sales and support for Dinkey Pro/FD, CopyMinder and our full range of IT security hardware, including OTP tokens, smart cards and FIDO U2F security keys.

Important Notice for CopyMinder Users